Grant Updates

Funding Update: July 2024 Round

We had unprecedented interest in this Small Grants and Bursaries round, with the entire funding round for the 2024–25 financial year allocated.

The following activities were funded:

  • A Mindfulness Program for Adoptees
  • An 8 Week Intercountry Adoptee Coaching Program
  • Support to transition an adoptee parent association to an adoptee led association
  • Ethiopian cooking class
  • Story Holders Workshop for Intercountry Adoptees to build skills in sharing their stories
  • Support for an Annual Camp for NSW/QLD families with children adopted from Africa to bring in an Ethiopian Adoptee Leader and an Ethiopian Cultural Coordinator
  • Support for developing and launching a new committee of Ethiopian/African Adoptees
  • Support for an adoptee led international conference for Korean Adoptees
  • Sensory based pottery workshop for Intercountry Adoptees
  • 3 face-to-face gatherings of Vietnamese adoptees in various states to provide peer support and connection to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam war

Additionally, 19 applications for bursaries were approved for a range of activities such as birth language classes, citizenship in birth country applications, and travel and accommodation to the Korean Adoptee Conference.